Call it what you want
Monday, October 28, 2013 @ 11:25 PM | 0 heart(s)

Good evening, Internet. I'm a participant of the 2013 Canon PhotoMarathon University Leg last October 26, 2013 at the University of Santo Tomas. Photo-heavy post!

My stuff + my ID

Event opening by UST Salinggawi Dance Troupe.

Took this while I was desperately looking for a great subject for my photo for Theme 1.

After I ate lunch, I check out these cool (and heavy and long and big) lenses. I swear on that moment, I finally find out why fansites like Polarlight and Trust own a DSLR with long lens.

Someone passed by to check out the lens also with a sunflower on her hand. Yes! A real sunflower, I tell you!

fenqurl, pls
"Who is the Madonna of your life?"
I checked out the University's Museum after I submitted my photo for Theme 2 and have my camera cleaned. They currently have an exhibit on Galo B. Ocampo's Centennial Birthday. His trademark work is the Brown Madonna.

Brown Madonna

Chillin at what the student's called it: Lover's Lane lol

Took this just in case if I forgot how to take silhouette photos lol also, while anxiously waiting for results.

Although I didn't win nor became a part of the finalists, I'm happy because I get to learn how to improve my skills with my fellow students through the help of the words of the Canon Ambassadors. <3 And I joined this for free! But I'm still surprised! From the registration, to the freebies, to the cleaning of the camera, and to the refreshments, they are all surprisingly free! Wowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowow. But yeah, I'll take this as a training ground for this hobby of mine. :)

I also post my photographs at my tumblr. Teehee!

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